Saturday, March 03, 2007

IGN: Buffy New Reader's Guide

This is like a 5 page summary of the players, I just copy/pasted the intro. If you want to check out the rest, click on the link because I’m feeling lazy tonight LOL

Buffy New Reader's Guide

Prepare yourself for Season Eight.

by Richard George

March 1, 2007 - Buffy the Vampire Slayer just might be the best example of a television show that never received the audience it deserved. Despite having millions of fans, the richness and complexity of the multi-genre show was cast off by far too many as being a simplistic goth-horror show aimed at teenagers. The truth is that Buffy appeals to viewers of all ages and is just as good as any of the 24/Lost/Heroes programs. Despite ending almost four years ago, Dark Horse Comics has teamed with show creator Joss Whedon to launch an eighth season for the franchise. The comic book will pick up where the television show ended - with Buffy having destroyed a Hellmouth and simultaneously causing the "birth" of thousands of Slayers. Joss Whedon will be writing the beginning and ending story arcs with acclaimed comic book and former Buffy managing the bulk of the season.

Perhaps you've only read Joss Whedon's comic book work. Perhaps you're a Buffy fan but are a bit rusty on the characters and chronology of the series. IGN Comics is here to help. We've compiled as much information as we can on the franchise to get you prepped for the March 7, 2007 launch of the book. We'll run through the major characters tied to Buffy and then move through each season. As we progress, you will run across spoilers. We'd highly recommend taking the time to watch the show in its entirety (as well as the spin-off Angel), but we'll understand if you don't have 140 hours to dedicate to that endeavor. So this will be your only spoiler alert. We'll also inject our opinions on each season and character as we move along to provide a bit of editorial interest to those intimate with Joss Whedon's crowning achievement. As always, feel free to send us a message with your thoughts by clicking here.

Buffy and Her Scooby Gang

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