Sunday, December 21, 2008

A Disappointing Read...

I've read thousands of books to this point in my life. I've never stopped reading a book. There has been a time or two that I've shifted a book to my car, which are the books that take me a long time to read as I read them in doctor waiting rooms, at traffic lights, or what have you (not so much need for traffic light reading here in Fargo, but in Chicago & Orlando a book came in handy in traffic).
Anyway, I have stopped reading a book this weekend. UNMASQUED by Colette Gale (a pseudonym of some author). It's billed as An erotic novel of The Phantom of the Opera. I have no problem with erotica, but this book just got to the point where it was so ridiculous - everyone was having sex with everyone and if they weren't they were thinking about it or trying it. I read the last page to ensure Christine & Erik ended up together, but I stopped reading it. I'm no prude (hell, I admit to reading (and writing) canon Claire/Peter from Heroes fan fiction), but I don't like my people once they're together to be with other people, particularly the women and particularly in historical settings. Tear them apart, but once they've done the deed I just don't like seeing that cast aside as if it meant nothing.
I picked it up, looking forward to something somewhat different in the Phantom of the Opera story, and I have to say I was sadly disappointed by it.
What a waste of my time and my money. And, I don't think I've ever, ever said that about a book before in my life. Ever.



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